Newest Work

Briefly introduce yourself

Hi, I’m Tsuang-Wei Huang. I graduated from the Department of Commercial Design at NTCUST. Currently, I work as a frontend engineer at HiSKIO, where my main responsibilities include frontend development, testing, and CI/CD implementation. Prior to this, I served as a frontend teaching assistant at Hexschool and worked as a freelancer. Currently maintaining a web-related blog with hundreds of articles and social media.

Introduce yourself in detail

My experience in the web field can be traced back to high school. Although my path was always leaned towards graphic design, advancing my education through web design competitions led me to cross over into frontend development. Since then, I’ve tried various jobs such as freelance web projects and working as a frontend teaching assistant. I’ve shared my understanding and insights on problems through my blog and social media.

After graduation, I discovered my interest in education-related products and cross-domain collaborations. This led me to join HiSKIO as a full-time frontend engineer. In this role, I’ve been involved with various aspects including performance optimization, i18n support, architecture (Monorepo), testing (unit/E2E), and more.

Ultimately, I aspire to work in an environment that is rational and full of challenges, allowing for the collision of different ideas and improvement. This would enhance my own input and enable me to consolidate and output more content on my blog, benefiting both myself and community.

Why did you switch to frontend development after studying design?

The rapidly changing and multi-domain collaborative nature of web development made me want to pursue this field.

People who changed career paths often have a higher chance of being perceived as inexperience, only for pursuing higher salaries or still testing the waters in a new field. However, I believe in this era, especially in frontend development, things are changing so rapidly that everyone is constantly at a new starting point.

I’ve written over a hundred technical articles purely out of passion and solving problems. I also have relatively mature and rich web development experience and a strong drive for learning. This allows me to approach problems from a perspective different from traditional developers.

How would you approach team conflicts?

I really like the concept of “Disagree and commit,” and use this approach to face conflicts within the team.

It’s normal for a team to have different voices, because of each person has unique perspectives and different life experiences. Many problems even don’t have a single best solution, and there are usually multiple trade-offs to consider. Therefore, we still can find out through “best choice based on team consensus,” and once the team is reached agreement, each member commits fully to act according to that decision.

For example, when raising issues or proposing changes, I always analyze my own views and discuss them using the goal-problem-solution approach. I don’t think arguments are inherently bad, but the ultimate purpose of arguing should be to seek consensus.

Solving problems requires rationality. If rational people can’t reach a consensus or resolve issues through “Disagree and commit,” it’s likely that the goals or the problems themselves are not aligned.

What team qualities do you value?

matter-of-factness, transparency, trust, flexibility and rapid iteration

What is your biggest weakness?

Facing rigid ideas or positions is my biggest weakness. I feel stressed when joining such organizations. Therefore, I expect to be in an environment that is open-minded, as this allows me to reach my full potential.

How do you handle stress?

Software development, especially in the frontend, is a rapidly changing field. I believe that thoughtfully analyzing and handling challenges without haste is the best way to ease stress.

When faced with stress, I always start by confirming the boundaries of the problem and then eliminate issues one by one. The process is similar to how I manage my blog. In fact, many of the challenges I encounter at work eventually become articles on my blog. This not only helps me organize my thoughts but also assists others.

What impact are you most proud of?

If not limited to work, the impact I’m most proud of is developing the habit of long-term self-improvement and continuous writing, as well as serving as a frontend teaching assistant. This has not only helped me but also many others, with an influence that spans the entire frontend industry, which gives me a big sense of fulfillment.

Regarding work specifically, it’s establishing order from scratch within the team, helping current and future team members achieve their goals more efficiently. For example:

💡 Before I joined the company, there were no onboarding documents. So I started confirming every detail and creating documentation, allowing all members to refer to and align their steps. (How to plan for i18n support? How to manage files? Why were certain decisions made at the time? …)

💡 Dig into frontend architecture to solve larger, more comprehensive problems (Monorepo)

💡 Questioning and improving existing workflows (CI/CD, test deployment automation, implementing best practices)