Here's my portfolio.
Total 48 works
Fullstack AI Chatroom, use Tinder-like method to swipe cards to make random matches and talk with AI.
- TypeScript
- Nuxt(Vue)
- Supabase(Postgres)
- Shadcn UI
- Gemini AI
- Zod
QR Code Printer
Generate and Export Multiple QR codes to pdf files Efficiently, on the web!
- TypeScript
- React
- Vite
- Shadcn UI
A full stack modern note-taking website, the membership system uses JWT for verification.
- TypeScript
- Nuxt(Vue)
- Drizzle ORM
- Shadcn UI
- Vitest
- Playwright
- Zod
Edit Element
A lightweight and flexible JavaScript/TypeScript library for adding in-place editing functionality to HTML elements.
- TypeScript
- Vite
- Playwright
- changesets + tsup
GPT Markdown Translator
A customized Markdown translator taht uses ChatGPT API for translation. Supports custom prompts, copying files, avoiding duplicate translations. Mainly used for my blog, has translated hundreds of technical articles.
- ChatGPT AI
Wei Web Portfolio
My portfolio, includes online resume, works, and FQA pages.
- TypeScript
- Astro.js
- Tailwind
- i18n
- Cloudflare Pages
- Zod
Promoting the NTCUST graduation exhibition - Cross. Explores the journey of cooperation and consensus-building between people through psychological tests. This allows participants to understand their potential roles and ability trends within a team. The test has reached a milestone of more than 10,000 participants so far.
- Vite
- React
- React Router
- Framer Motion
- Chart.js
- Tailwind
Create an SPA online shopping store with features including product displays, shopping cart (add, adjust quantity, delete individual or all cart items), coupon application, checkout, and a blog section.
- Vite
- Vue
- Vue Router
- Pinia
- Axios
- Daisy UI
Full of fur. Full of love
Follow the students of HexSchool to solve the course topics, use Sass to compile and customized Bootstrap, use Astro to generate static pages automatically.
- Astro.js
- Sass
- Bootstrap
Cloud To-Do list
All user information is logged on the server, using JWT for authentication, a pre-exercise before join React study club.
- Vite
- React
- React Router
- Tailwind
While working as a remote teaching assistant, in order to answer classmates' questions better, I build this blog. So far, there have been more than 200 articles related to web development.
- TypeScript
- Astro.js
- Tailwind
- Cypress
- Lighthouse CI
- Cloudflare Pages
- i18n
- Zod
Tridong is a design team I formed with my college friends. The portfolio designed according to the team's style, simple and effective.
- Hugo
- Netlify CMS
- Tailwind
Interior Design Courses Marketing
Appedu Design Institute needs an one-page marketing page to promote interior design courses. Therefore, I am responsible for handling everything from design to frontend development, as well as communicating about the requirements.
- Gulp
- jQuery
- Sass
- Bootstrap
Web Design Courses Marketing
Appedu Design Institute needs a promotional webpage for the Web Design Courses, Therefore, I am responsible for handling everything from design to front-end development, as well as communicating about the requirements.
- Gulp
- jQuery
- Sass
- Bootstrap
As a web page contestant, I need a simple yet engaging layout that can allow me to complete it within 2 hours. This site was the cultural theme plan I conceived at the time.
Taiwan Store
As a web page contestant, I need a simple yet engaging layout that can allow me to complete it within 2 hours. This site was the store theme plan I conceived at the time.