Here's my portfolio.

Total 39 works

  • QR Code Printer Home Page

    QR Code Printer

    Generate and Export Multiple QR codes to pdf files Efficiently, on the web!

  • WIP
    MyNote Website HomePage


    A full stack modern note-taking website, the membership system uses JWT for verification.

  • edit-element

    Edit Element

    A lightweight and flexible JavaScript/TypeScript library for adding in-place editing functionality to HTML elements.

  • Cross

    Promoting the NTCUST graduation exhibition - Cross. Explores the journey of cooperation and consensus-building between people through psychological tests. This allows participants to understand their potential roles and ability trends within a team. The test has reached a milestone of more than 10,000 participants so far.

  • VueStore Homepage


    Create an SPA online shopping store with features including product displays, shopping cart (add, adjust quantity, delete individual or all cart items), coupon application, checkout, and a blog section.

  • Full of fur. Full of love

    Follow the students of HexSchool to solve the course topics, use Sass to compile and customized Bootstrap, use Astro to generate static pages automatically.

  • Cloud To-Do list Homepage

    Cloud To-Do list

    All user information is logged on the server, using JWT for authentication, a pre-exercise before join React study club.

  • WebDong

    While working as a remote teaching assistant, in order to answer classmates' questions better, I build this blog. So far, there have been more than 200 articles related to web development.

  • Tridong Homepage


    Tridong is a design team I formed with my college friends. The portfolio designed according to the team's style, simple and effective.

  • Interior Design Courses Marketing

    Appedu Design Institute needs an one-page marketing page to promote interior design courses. Therefore, I am responsible for handling everything from design to frontend development, as well as communicating about the requirements.

  • Web Design Courses Marketing

    Appedu Design Institute needs a promotional webpage for the Web Design Courses, Therefore, I am responsible for handling everything from design to front-end development, as well as communicating about the requirements.

  • Culture Homepage


    As a web page contestant, I need a simple yet engaging layout that can allow me to complete it within 2 hours. This site was the cultural theme plan I conceived at the time.

  • Taiwan Store Homepage

    Taiwan Store

    As a web page contestant, I need a simple yet engaging layout that can allow me to complete it within 2 hours. This site was the store theme plan I conceived at the time.